Aerotrac is trusted by over 80 customers world-wide who use the product to support their business activities be that Aircraft Management, Aircraft and/or Component MRO, Parts Distribution and Manufacturing.
Aerotrac is trusted by over 80 customers world-wide who use the product to support their business activities be that Aircraft Management, Aircraft and/or Component MRO, Parts Distribution and Manufacturing.
Aerotrac is currently used to manage a variety of fixed wing maintenance services. Clients include small regional airlines, civil defence / military and business jet operators, FBO’s and companies that specialize in providing commercial third-party Base and / or Line Maintenance to airlines, executive jet operators and the light aircraft market.
Many clients are managing both Part 145 maintenance and Continuing Airworthiness Management services to all levels of the market. These processes are supported by ‘functionally rich’ modules that merge seamlessly into each other, with all the other business processes essential to providing these services; from material management and time-booking, to final release and invoicing are included as standard.
Aerotrac has outstanding functionality for rapidly creating large Base maintenance inputs, with the added advantage of having integrated back-shop functionality for full integration of all MRO services provided. All costs are linked and fed upwards to the parent aircraft project, with the ability to produce estimates for all levels, which build up to a single combined estimate for the whole job.
Aerotrac can also be used to manage the design and incorporation of complex aircraft modifications, which can be controlled separately from any scheduled maintenance.
Aerotrac is widely used in the rotary-wing market, with an outstanding track record of providing ‘functionally
rich’ modules designed to support both Part 145 maintenance and Continued Airworthiness Management, with very specific needs of the major rotary-wing aircraft types, including Agusta, Airbus, Bell, Enstrom, MD, Robinson,
Schweizer, Sikorsky and others.
Aerotrac seamlessly integrates all processes and has specific functionality to support complex life formulas, N1, N2, N3 cycles, RINS, Torques Cycles, Abbreviated Cycle Factors and a variety of other Penalty Factors combining to ensure the accurate control and forecasting of complex maintenance data based on an aircraft’s operation and the stipulations of the aircraft / engine OEM’s.
Aerotrac has its roots in Engine Overhaul. It was designed from the outset to manage all aspects of the process from initial input to final release. Suitable for all engine types, from large gas-turbine to light-aircraft piston engines, Aerotrac seamlessly manages the business processes, offering complete visibility of the job from the top down.
For complex engines, Aerotrac uses a Bill of Materials structure to create manifold Parent-Child relationships, linking sub-assemblies, QEC, accessories and individual piece-part components to a parent project. This ensures simple traceability of all parts of the engine and drastically reduces time spent tracking and locating material being reworked in-house or at sub-con. Aerotrac provides clarity on scrap material and shortages, and controls the procurement and expediting of replacement parts. All costs are linked and fed upwards to the parent engine project, with the ability to produce estimates for all levels, which build up to a single combined estimate for the whole job.
For simpler structures, Aerotrac has all the functionality needed to ensure competitive turn-times and work
within fixed costs. It reduces the need for laborious duplication and streamlines time-consuming processes that add no value and erode profit margins that are frequently already quite tight.
Aerotrac is used in a wide variety of Component Overhaul shops worldwide. It is suitable for all accessories &
components including: Propellers, Undercarriage, Gearboxes & Transmissions, Wheels & Brakes, Seats, Fuel Controls, Pneumatic, Electrical, Composites & Structures, IDG’s, Instruments, Avionics, IFE, Emergency Equipment and many more. Aerotrac provides functionality that smoothly manages all the processes from initial receipt to final release and invoice.
Aerotrac also manages piece-part repairs and processes, with the ability to rapidly process large numbers of
parts requiring the same treatment, such as compressor blades, life-jackets, seats etc. It is also possible to create complex repair schemes for specific groups of parts such as turbine blades and stators and then select only the applicable repairs to match the exact rectification work required.
Aerotrac has discrete functionality designed specifically to control the manufacture of complex components, either in response to a Sales Order demand from a customer, or as a result of a modification that is required for either an aircraft or component. Aerotrac allows for the separate capture of design costs if required. Aerotrac can be used for the manufacture of simple machined piece-parts, or highly complex items with a multiple Bills of Material structure.
Aerotrac has a separate Sales Order Processing capability for the controlled sale of spare parts ‘Over-the-Counter’. This functionality is typically used by MRO’s that are Service Centres, ensuring better integration of material planning and control of warranty.
Increasingly Aerotrac is being used by stockists and brokers, including non-aviation businesses that require
more robust processes. An Advanced Parts Trading module is being developed to meet the needs of parts distributors who are managing ‘lots’ and those offering ‘End-of-Life’ solutions.