Specialist Aviation Services Ltd


Specialist Aviation Services (SAS) provides leading edge support to the emergency services and other major organisations which rely on aircraft to support their operations.

Based from their modern, fully equipped facility at Staverton in the UK, SAS provide a comprehensive range of professionally managed aviation solutions designed to maximise the effectiveness of flight operations, making them the partner of choice for many police, air ambulance, utility and other critical service providers in the UK and overseas. Aerotrac was originally implemented at SAS in November 2003. Kasthuri Fraser – Head of Procurement & Materials Management – was a member of the original Project Team that selected and implemented Aerotrac. Kasthuri recalls the selection process and the reasons for choosing Tracware:

Aerotrac was originally implemented at SAS in November 2003. Kasthuri Fraser – Head of Procurement & Materials Management – was a member of the original Project Team that selected and implemented Aerotrac. Kasthuri recalls the selection process and the reasons for choosing Tracware:

“The software we were using before Aerotrac was a well-known and established solution, however there were a number of issues related to support and service as well as functionality. Aerotrac stood out as the obvious replacement. A complete, user friendly solution which can be utilised by all departments, offering total control. The service and the support provided stood out from the other offers we looked at.”

Kasthuri reflects on other key criteria for selecting Aerotrac:

“A major factor was Aerotrac’s suitability for the rotary-wing market as well as fixed-wing. That trend continues today as Aerotrac offers the specific functionality we need to help us support new modern rotary-wing aircraft with increasingly complex support requirements, incorporating e.g. penalty factors on specific components during certain operations.”

Henk Schaeken – Managing Director of SAS – reflects on how Aerotrac is a now fundamental part of the business:

“Aerotrac has been instrumental in helping us control all aspects of our highly complex business. The Part-M, Part-145, Part 21J & 21G processes for both fixed and rotary-wing aircraft are all managed by Aerotrac with complete integration into the logistical, commercial and financial processes. It is a remarkable business tool.”

Henk describes how SAS and Tracware have worked together to develop functionality:

“SAS have worked alongside Tracware, providing feedback and beta-testing new Aerotrac functionality since it’s introduction into the business back in 2003. We are continuing to work with Tracware as they develop new innovative web-based solutions focusing on the enhancement of data-management, productivity and workflow tools. SAS have been providing guidance to Tracware on the functionality required in their Aerosector eTechLog software application, which will be suitable for use in all rotary-wing aircraft.”

Kasthuri describes the long-term relationship with Tracware:

“We have a strong relationship with Tracware, which is built on trust and value for money. We were an early adopter of Aerotrac and have been at the forefront of three system upgrades, all of which happened without disruption.”

Tracware recognise the commitment we made, working with us to provide a hugely reliable and consistent product that meets our requirements. It’s hard to put a value on that. Over the years they have vastly enhanced the software functionality at virtually no extra cost over and above the Annual Licence & Support Contract. That still continues today, which is very good value for money.

Tracware now have a worldwide customer-base, but the exceptional support service levels and their commitment to us as a customer has never wavered.