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Ozan Turker

Full-Stack Developer

Ozan joined Tracware in 2017 as a full stack developer, focusing on the development of Aerotrac Web Interface-AWI. He holds a BSc in Physics and an MSc in Mechatronics Engineering. With 8 years of software engineering experience, Ozan brings a wealth of expertise and a robust technical background to the team.

Ozan joined the company in March 2017, and his primary focus has been on the development of Aerotrac Web Interface (AWI).

Ozan graduated from BSc. Physics and MSc. Mechatronics Engineering in Istanbul, Turkey. He has five years’ experience as a software engineer, three years in telecommunication and almost 2 years in banking sectors. Although new to the challenge of the aviation software sector, he has found his feet in a short space of time and is a valued member of the team.
